Many people go their entire lives without knowing that they have scoliosis. However, hearing that you have scoliosis after being evaluated can truly make a lot of things “click” when it comes to the way your body feels, looks, and performs. Scoliosis isn’t something that can be corrected on its own. In fact, scoliosis often gets worse with time. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that often forms very early in life.

The most common symptoms of scoliosis include:

  • Uneven shoulders.
  • Uneven waist.
  • One hip is higher than the other.
  • One-shoulder blade is more prominent than the other.
  • Uneven “jutting” of the rib cage.

While scoliosis doesn’t always cause pain, living with this form of musculoskeletal dysfunction can cause severe pain and discomfort. Physical sensations of scoliosis often manifest as pain in the lower back, back stiffness, spasms, fatigue caused by muscle sprain, and leg pain caused by pinched nerves. Scoliosis is something that will never self-correct.

What Are the Dangers of Scoliosis?

Ideally, scoliosis would be detected early in life to help stop progressive symptoms. While many people live with scoliosis without any major complications, it is possible for the spinal abnormality to cause breathing problems. The reason why is that scoliosis causes the rib cage to press against the lungs. Serious back problems are also common in people with scoliosis. There’s also the “appearance” angle.

When scoliosis progresses, it can actually alter the appearance and stature of your body. It’s very possible for uneven hips, shoulders, and ribs to become noticeable. In addition, the waist and trunk can become visibility shifted to one side.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Scoliosis?

“Many adults with scoliosis find non-drug, non-invasive chiropractic treatments can help reduce their pain by decreasing the pressure on their nervous system and strengthening their body’s core, according to researchers at Cleveland Clinic. Chiropractors are also able to offer custom treatments that help patients to get relief from scoliosis symptoms.

Here’s a look at how scoliosis treatment is often approached in a chiropractic setting:

  • Helping patients to learn ways to move and rest that minimize or eliminate pain.
  • Introducing patients to strengthening exercises that support joints.
  • Instructing patients on ways to increase their ability to take deep, cleansing breaths that can counteract some of the compression caused by scoliosis.
  • Instructing patients on how to work, exercise, and be active using best practices that won’t exacerbate symptoms.

Chiropractors commonly use spinal adjustments to try to stretch the thinned areas of spinal discs that have been damaged by curvature. In addition, adjustments that improve range of motion and flexibility can help to relieve strain, stress, inflammation, and pain. What’s more, adjustments help to relieve any concurrent subluxations or blockages that formed as a result of spinal imbalances. This can be critical for restoring your body’s natural ability for healing and cellular regeneration.

Massage is another treatment for scoliosis that helps many people to alleviate symptoms. In addition to providing relaxation, massage therapy can be a great way to relieve tight, sore muscles that have become stretched or tightened by the pressure caused by scoliosis. Allowing your muscles to stay in stiff, strained positions can cause painful trigger points to form that greatly impair your range of motion.

Setting Expectations: Can Chiropractic Care Fix Scoliosis?

Chiropractors are very realistic when it comes to setting expectations for what they can help patients achieve when treating scoliosis. The only verified method for straightening scoliosis is surgery. However, the risks and complications of spinal surgery are not to be taken lightly. That’s why surgery is only recommended in cases of severe spinal curvature.

The purpose of chiropractic scoliosis care isn’t to fully reverse scoliosis. The goal is to prevent existing curvature from getting worse. In addition, chiropractic care can be effective for helping to manage symptoms caused by spinal curvature. It’s very important that steps are being taken to ensure that the surrounding tissue is provided with the proper strength and oxygen needed for tissue health and healing. Many people with scoliosis find that chiropractic care helps them to maintain a good quality of life without the need to resort to surgery and prescription pain medications.

How Can I Find a Chiropractor for Scoliosis in Conroe, Texas?

Freedom Chiropractic is proud to be a leading provider of chiropractic adjustments for scoliosis in Conroe, Texas. We know that scoliosis can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. You may also feel limited in the things you can do due to the pain and sense of imbalance caused by spinal curvature. Our team offers customized scoliosis treatments to provide relief. Freedom Chiropractic treats scoliosis patients of all ages! Book a consultation with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

The only known way to reverse scoliosis is surgery. However, chiropractors can help to prevent damage, reduce pain, and restore range of motion.

Chiropractic adjusts, stretches, and massage therapy can all help to relieve scoliosis symptoms.