Surviving a car accident is always a good thing. Of course, there is a good chance you incurred some kind of injury or injuries that are causing you pain and making you uncomfortable. Compared to what could have happened, a bit of pain and discomfort is more than acceptable if you can get treatment.

If you didn’t get checked out for possible injuries after the accident, that is something you need to do right away. You never know what might be lurking under the surface of your skin.

You should go see your family healthcare provider if there is any evidence that you suffered any kind of significant injury. That would include internal organs or broken bones. If the extent of your injury or injuries seems confined to pain and discomfort, you might prefer another treatment alternative.

Chiropractors treat car accident victims all the time. They treat them for pain issues and minor injuries related to the spine, neck, muscles, and soft tissue areas around the joints. Sometimes, they treat car accident victims even when injuries or pain are not readily apparent. They do this as a preventative measure to make sure serious issues don’t morph from otherwise minor issues.

Let’s take a look at suggestions about how long you might need to commit to chiropractic treatment. We can also take a look and the benefits you could derive from doing this.

How Often Should You Go to a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

The answer to this question is a little complicated. Let’s start at the beginning.

Right after your involvement in a car accident, the next 72 hours are critical. If you were to have any significant injuries, you would want to get them addressed within this timeframe. As we said above, you should go to a hospital or doctor if there is evidence of internal injuries or broken bones.

If those conditions do not seem to exist, going to see a chiropractor soon could be the right call. However, it would still be a good idea to make that initial visit within the first 72 after the car accident. Why? The sooner a chiropractor can assess your physical state, the sooner they can start whatever treatments might be necessary. to prevent any escalation of injury/pain.

The real benefit of this is some injuries and pain issues can be cut off at the pass if they are caught quickly. Also, you want a quick assessment in case you think everything is OK, but your chiropractor runs into an issue. Sometimes, injuries occur and the pain comes later as the inflammation lingers.

After you start treatments, you will want to continue them until your pain or injury issue or issues are substantially under control. To be fair, that’s not something you can determine on your own. You would need to communicate with your chiropractor and let them dictate how long your treatment will need to last and how often you would need to go.

How often should you go in for treatments? Again, you would need to work out a schedule with your chiropractor. We can offer you this.

The frequency of your chiropractic treatments would depend on a number of factors, including:

  • The extent of your injury(s) and pain
  • The location of your injury(s) and pain
  • The progress you make from the first treatment on
  • Your availability to make appointments

Most patients will start off going multiple times a week. As their issues improve, the chiropractor might suggest they slowly cut back on treatments, always being mindful of progress. When all seems well, an astute patient might want to consider staying with weekly treatments for body maintenance. Ongoing chiropractic treatment can help people stay healthy.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments After a Car Accident

Based on your willingness to commit to a treatment program, you have the right to understand exactly what benefits you might get from showing up for all of your appointments as prescribed.

Here are a few benefits that might motivate you to see a chiropractor today:

  • Might help you avoid taking pain medication and going through invasive procedures (surgery, injections)
  • Improve your Immune system as healthy blood flows more freely throughout your body
  • Pain relief for back, neck, and joints
  • More body flexibility and mobility
  • Improvement in your appetite and sleeping habits
  • Improve your ability to enjoy physical activities
  • Improve your digestive health
  • Relaxation to address issues related to stress and anxiety
  • Improve your heart health and blood pressure

This is just a partial list of the benefits associated with chiropractic care. The bottom line is this. A responsible person would look after their health after being involved in an auto accident. If there are pain and injuries, they would also address those pain and injury issues as quickly as possible in order to avoid the escalation of problems. Finally, they would do everything in their power to stick with a prescribed treatment program until all is reasonably well.

If you are a recent car accident victim, we would like to suggest that you schedule an appointment.