If you have been involved in a car accident, a chiropractor is typically not the first medical professional you seek for treatment. In these situations, it is important to consult a chiropractor first, especially in cases where you have sustained spine or musculoskeletal injuries.

1. Prevent Chronic Pain and Medical Procedures

Typically, most people visit a chiropractor following an automobile accident to stop the pain they are experiencing. An accident can cause damage to the spine, back, and neck. Chiropractic treatment will not only get to the source of the problem, it also provides pain relief. The problem with conventional medicine is that unless bones are broken or more serious damage occurs during the accident, you are usually prescribed anti-inflammatory or pain medications and sent home. This is simply a temporary bandaid that treats the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem.

2. Reduce Inflammation and Tissue Scarring

Spinal inflammation is a common problem that occurs following a car accident. Inflammation occurs due to an infection, wound, or other damage. Mico-tears in the ligaments and muscles are common and can’t be detected through normal x-rays. Managing inflammation can be very uncomfortable, but chiropractic treatment will help minimize the swelling and heat in your back and neck. Spinal adjustments can also put the spine back into alignment. This can produce natural anti-inflammatory effects to aid in discomfort from tears and other damage. Chiropractic care will also help to prevent tissue scarring after a collision. Methods like chiropractic manipulation will promote effective scar tissue healing.

3. Treat the Source of Your Pain

It is a given that medical professionals will provide immediate treatment for your visible injuries, but usually vehicle accidents cause injuries that are not easily or immediately noticeable. Whiplash is the most likely injury that you will experience after a car accident. It can also take weeks or longer for you to develop symptoms from this injury. A chiropractor will conduct a full body exam to identify any underlying issues. They are trained to look for things that medical doctors may overlook. While an MRI can detect soft tissue injuries, the scan is very expensive and will not be performed if you are not experiencing pain in a specific area.

4. Reduce Head Pain

Migraines and headaches are typical complaints that automobile accident victims bring up to their chiropractors. While automobile manufacturers have designed vehicles to be much safer, these safety aids cannot prevent the head and neck from snapping back and forth during an automobile collision. Chiropractors have a variety of techniques to provide relief for migraines and headaches.

5. Timely Treatment is Key for Insurance

It is imperative to have immediate documentation of all of your injuries after an automobile accident if you will be working with an automobile injury attorney or an at-fault party’s insurance company. Having a record of your injuries right after the accident will boost your case and be evidence against another insurance company or attorney claiming that your injuries were not a result of the crash. A chiropractor is trained to find and document all of your obvious and underlying injuries.

6. Receive an Attorney Recommendation

Chiropractors typically network with personal injury attorneys to assist you with legal representation to build a strong claim if needed. If the collision was the fault of another driver, then you could seek compensation for your medical bills and injuries through their insurance company.

7. Prevent Invasive Therapies

Many auto accident victims visit a chiropractor to minimize the need for invasive treatments and surgeries. Many people fear surgery because even minor surgeries come with risks. Surgery as the first option for vehicle accident injuries is where chiropractors and traditional doctors disagree. Chiropractors have a philosophy that most accident injuries can be healed without prescription medications or surgery. Despite this belief, there are times when surgery is required for certain injuries. Even if surgery is required, this does not mean that patients can’t still benefit from chiropractic treatment. In most cases, chiropractic care can help accelerate recovery times after surgery.

8. Holistic Pain Management

When you receive treatment from a chiropractor, you will not be prescribed any medications. This is in part because a chiropractor is not allowed to prescribe medications. Pain medications and opioids can be problematic. A large percentage of patients become addicted to these drugs, which can have devastating effects on the individual and their loved ones. Chiropractors provide treatment through therapeutic adjustments and movements. By using targeted manipulations, a chiropractor tries to realign the body. Body realignment helps to alleviate pain and inflammation. Each accident patient will receive a tailored treatment plan specific to their injuries. The plan will involve the period of treatment and targeted exercises required for recovery. Patients will also be taught home care techniques and proper posture. The balanced treatment plan gives the patient insight and all the necessary tools to avoid strain and minimize pain. Based on the injury, prescription medications might be avoided during recovery.

9. Range of Motion Improvements

Flexibility and mobility are associated with the body’s full range of motion. All body parts and joints are designed to move in a certain way. After an auto collision, your body parts may not have the same freedom of movement anymore. The limited or painful movements can be the result of nerve damage, misalignment, or inflammation. Chiropractors are experts at recognizing and treating range of motion injuries. chiropractic treatment focuses on methods and exercises to bring back the normal range of motion. chiropractors cannot guarantee a full recovery. This will be based on the type of injury and other patient factors.

10. Recovery Speed

Because auto injury chiropractors are experts at dealing with musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries, they are the desired medical professionals to initially seek help from after an accident. Chiropractors have insight into these injuries that other medical professionals do not have. This allows them to target your treatment for optimal recovery time.

11. Save Money and Time

Immediate diagnosis and treatment of your auto collision injuries by a chiropractor can prevent costly medical procedures in the future. By delaying treatment, your symptoms will only get worse and require more trips to a chiropractor or other medical professional before you are healed.

If you are involved in an automobile accident, scheduling a visit to your chiropractor should be one of the first things on your list. While you may not experience symptoms immediately, they could develop in the days or weeks following. An exam by a chiropractor will find hidden injuries, ensure you have an optimal recovery, and provide necessary treatments tailored to your needs. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, contact Freedom Chiropractic today at (936) 756-3747. You can also visit us at our website.